In Medeor Institution physiotherapists perform analysis of body systems.
Monitoring of body systems contribute to a healthier life, giving an insight into the important health indicators and thereby enabling control effect in regular exercise, weight loss and anti-cellulite processes treatment.
For our clients who are using our program of exercise, weight loss and anti-cellulite programs, analysis of physical systems is free of charge.
With the measurement results you get an explanation of the results and recommendations for a healthier life and diet.
The analysis includes the measurement of:
– The total weight in kg
– Body Mass Index (BMI)
– The fat tissue in the body in %
– Water in the body in %,
– Muscle mass in kg
– Bone mass in kg
– Basal metabolic rate BMR in kcal / day
– Active metabolism AMR in kcal / day
Body mass index (BMI) is the estimate of optimal body weight and any discrepancies corrected for age.
Body fat percentage is the proportion of body fat relative to the total weight. The amount of body fat is different for different genders, and athletes and non-athletes. Adipose tissue is divided into peripheral or visceral.
The percentage of peripheral adipose tissue (PMT) is the amount of adipose tissue on the thighs, abdomen and other parts of the body in relation to the weight of the body.
Visceral fat surrounds the internal organs. Over the years, the percentage of visceral tissue is higher than in peripheral adipose tissue, especially after menopause. Excess fat in the body is the relevant level of fat in the bloodstream. By reducing the excessive levels of PMT we reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, tumor diseases and other. For the prevention and improvement in the condition of these diseases it is important to be on a healthy diet and exercise regularly, which reduces the amount of total body fat.
Muscle tissue consists of striated skeletal muscle, heart muscle and smooth muscles (muscles of the digestive system).
The muscles play an important role in energy consumption. The energy consumption increases by increasing muscle mass which reduces the level of body fat and it’s a healthy way to reduce body weight.
Measurement of bone mass is the determination of the level of bone minerals, calcium and other minerals in the body. Bone tissue, through natural processes, degenerates and gets old. Bone mass reaches its maximum in in 20s and 30s, and then, in accordance with the aging, decreases. Bone degeneration can be, to some extent, prevented by regular exercise with a diet rich in minerals. Performing medical gymnastics encourages insertion of calcium and other minerals in bones and so it helps with bone density and strength.
Water in the body is essential for the maintenance of body functions such as metabolism and energy, and the removal of harmful substances from the kidneys and digestive system. It is located in every cell, tissue and organ. With a sufficient amount of water, the body will function effectively and to reduce the risk of health problems.
The body loses water after sleep at night. Consuming large amounts of food and alcohol, menstruation, various diseases, exercise and bathing may cause variations in the amount of water in the body.
Body fat contains 10% of water. Therefore, people with a high body fat percentage have body water below the recommended values.
The range of the total percentage of water in the body for healthy adults is:
For women 45 to 60%
For men: 50 to 65%
Basal metabolism – basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the basic physical energy, the amount of energy our bodies need in a state of rest. It is essential to maintain basic bodily functions. If we get a long-term low intake of energy, it can have adverse effects on our health.
Active metabolism – active metabolic rate (AMR) is the amount of energy the body consumes trough daily implementation of physical activity. Energy consumption is in accordance with the growing increase in physical activity. To maintain your current weight, the amount of energy consumed must be renewed. If for a long time the body is supplied with less energy than it consumes, the difference will be compensated in large part from stored fat and body weight will be reduced. But if the body for a long time gets more energy than the amount used by active metabolism, energy that is not consumed will be stored in the body in the form of body fat and body weight will thus increase.